
A360 for Android

評分 5.0 (1) · 免費 · Android A360 is the official Autodesk app for viewing CAD files directly on an Android smartphone, making it ideal for engineers, architects, and designers.

A widget for the A360 viewer

Here's a cool new feature developed by our A360 team - a widget you can add to any web page that allows you to drag and drop a design file to ...

檢舉:A360 Viewer

「A360 Viewer」的項目標誌圖片. A360 Viewer. 由所列網站的擁有者建立。這位發布者記錄良好,沒有任何違規事項。瞭解詳情。 a360.autodesk.com/viewer. 3.3 (. 52 個評分. ).

A360 Viewer

View 2D and 3D design files right in your browser - no downloads needed. The A360 Viewer enables you to view and share 2D or 3D design ...

A360 Viewer

The A360 Viewer enables you to view and share 2D or 3D design files—even large and complex models—right in your browser. There's no need to ...

A360 Viewer for Windows

評分 4.4 (1) · 免費 · Windows · 360 Viewer is a free online viewer for 2D and 3D designs including AutoCAD DWG, DXF, Revit RVT and Inventor IPT. No plugins or additional ...

A360 說明| 檢視和檢閱2D 和3D 設計

從「概述」頁面中,您可以按一下「檢視」以在A360 Viewer 中開啟檔案並檢視。A360 Viewer 有多種工具和選項,可讓您進一步查看設計和檢閱設計。

A360 Viewer: File Viewing on the House

A free CAD file viewer that supports over 50 different file formats. With its straightforward drag and drop interface, it's child's play when it comes to ...

Autodesk Viewer

Autodesk Viewer is a free online viewer for 2D and 3D designs including AutoCAD DWG, DXF, Revit RVT and Inventor IPT, as well as STEP, SolidWorks, ...

瀏覽3D模型更方便, Autodesk A360 Viewer

這個3D模型瀏覽器可以讓你打開大部分不同3D模型格式例如.3dm, .stl, .sat,.obj, .igs等等。除了3D檔案以外,各種不同2D檔案格式也可以打開。


評分5.0(1)·免費·AndroidA360istheofficialAutodeskappforviewingCADfilesdirectlyonanAndroidsmartphone,makingitidealforengineers,architects,anddesigners.,Here'sacoolnewfeaturedevelopedbyourA360team-awidgetyoucanaddtoanywebpagethatallowsyoutodraganddropadesignfileto ...,「A360Viewer」的項目標誌圖片.A360Viewer.由所列網站的擁有者建立。這位發布者記錄良好,沒有任何違規事項。瞭解詳情。a360.autodesk.com/...